The knowledge, skills and experience in working in the wastewater treatment processes industry places Eliquo Hydrok in the perfect position to help Water Companies to optimise the efficiency and life expectancy of their existing process treatment plants. Following the plants OM guidelines for all operational procedures is the obvious first stage to maintain optimal performance, however inevitably time has an affect and remedial action is required to ensure the treatment works are operating at their best.

Eliquo Hydrok can provide a complete managed solution to various process upgrades, asset refurbishment, planned and reactive maintenance and asset optimisation. As principal contractor, or in a subcontractor capacity, this kind of work requires a knowledgeable cleaning of the asset sympathetic to the fitted technology and an understanding of the operational functionality with care and due diligence for the whole project.

For example, a project at Flag Fen WwTW for Anglian Water/@One Alliance demonstrates the service:

• It was highlighted that the inlet screens were possibly allowing rag and debris through to the works and that much of this was collecting and settling in the aeration lanes.

• March 2015 the @One Alliance notified Eliquo Hydrok of a decline in the performance of the Activated Sludge Plant.

• The draining down of Lane 2 revealed large quantities of rag and sludge within the tank on the aeration pipework/diffusers and a sticky deposit coating the diffuser membranes.

• Eliquo Hydrok carried out inspection and tests on samples of the worst affected diffusers and concluded that most could be cleaned to restore the performance close to “as new”.

• Eliquo Hydrok were contracted to carry out the physical washing and acid cleaning of the fine bubble diffusers that remained serviceable and the replacement of a small number of the most badly contaminated diffusers in all 3 lanes. This work was carried out by draining and cleaning individual lanes in sequence and the refurbishment was and on completion, the ASP was returned to service to the original design performance.

To discuss how Eliquo Hydrok can help in asset life optimisation contact Jason Howe, or
Ian Hammond, or call 01726 861900