Bristol Water’s pop-up Water Bar won the Big Bang Award for Innovation at the Utility Week Stars Awards, its third accolade this year.

The bar was also awarded the Community Project of the Year and Outstanding Innovation Awards at the Water Industry Achievement Awards in May.

Bristol Water created the Bristol Water Bar in 2016, a pop-up bar that gives people free drinking water at events and festivals across its area.

Customer Services and IT Director Ben Newby said: “Not only does the Water Bar have massive environmental benefits, but it has social and economic benefits as well. If people can refill for free, they are likely to drink more and stay hydrated. With the bar and stations being free as well it saves loads of money, too.”

The Water Bar featured at three public events in the summer of 2016: Bristol Pride, Redfest and the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta. More than 15,000 people refilled with nearly 12,000 plastic bottles saved from going to landfill at the Balloon Fiesta alone.