Technology options for AMP8 phosphorous challenge

By Duncan Wildgoose, Business Development Manager - Head of wastewater at Xylem UK Ever tightening phosphorus removal standards are driving development and investment in advanced treatment systems, says Duncan Wildgoose, business development manager - head...

Innovative Phosphorus Removal Biotechnology revolutionising wastewater treatment

By Professor Ana Soares, Professor of Biotechnology Engineering at Cranfield University In the domain of wastewater treatment, it’s remarkable to note that England and Wales have poured an eye-watering £8 billion in removing phosphorus, with...

Tackling phosphorus pollution in AMP8

To protect the UK’s rivers and lakes, tough new phosphorus limits have been set, but how can these be achieved without going chemical crazy? More flocculant chemicals are simply NOT the answer – so...

Reduce capex and carbon emissions with Hach’s phosphorus real time control system

Historical plant performance need not reflect what is achievable with existing assets and advanced control. Hach® understands the challenges that water companies and their partners face during the AMP7 period and beyond. The costs of...

HOW TO: Monitor and manage phosporus levels

Phosphorus, originating from sources like minerals, detergents, and agricultural runoff, poses environmental challenges due to its role as a plant nutrient. While essential for biological sewage treatment, excessive phosphorus can lead to eutrophication and...

Veolia Water Technologies delivers for twin wastewater facilities

Veolia Water Technologies’ Actiflo® clarification units have been successfully implemented at two wastewater treatment facilities in the South East of England. During a trial period, Actiflo® delivered phosphorus (P) discharge levels as low as...

How does Magmex benefit acidic wastewater treatment

Many industrial manufacturing processes will result in the production of acidic waste streams. Where these undergo on site treatment, they are likely to require neutralisation before discharge, in order to comply with a discharge...

How South African biological ‘bugs’ transformed sewage waste treatment

As Severn Trent marks its 50th anniversary, the company has been looking back at some of its major engineering innovations. At the turn of the century, with the millennium bug the hottest topic of conversation,...

Reverse water consumption increases – a high impact, low-cost solution

With an increasing population and changes in lifestyle the UK water deficit is anticipated to be 4017 mega litres per day. 1 To reduce this predicted shortage, water companies are developing and implementing plans...

Why we must harness the potential of digital technologies to enable sewer security

By Ralph Exton, VP and CMO at Grundfos Water Utilities The UK has one of the longest combined networks globally, with 571,800km of wastewater pipes in operation, 26 million homes served and 4,000 tonnes of...