Designing an effective water quality monitoring programme

Darren Hanson, Xylem Environmental Solutions, examines the current state of quality monitoring in the UK. Ambitious targets to protect UK rivers, estuaries and coastal zones, set out in the Environment Act 2021, pose significant challenges...

PipeScreen™ Service Line Analyser helps Severn Trent to identify lead pipes

Acoustic lead screening, while new, is based on a proven technology that can be easily used to help water companies protect the public from lead exposure and comply with tightening regulations. Given the serious...

Siemens digital twin set to drive world’s first carbon neutral wastewater treatment plant

A partnership of water companies and industry providers is set to remove direct process emissions from the bacterial digestion of wastewater for the first time. The Net Zero Hub, led by Severn Trent Water and...

Delivering Energy Savings via Real-Time Operations Optimisation for Water Utilities

The water industry is one of the biggest users of energy in the world. The UK water sector, a service industry, is among the top 5 energy consumers in the country, alongside transportation and...

Unlocking the key to improved WWTPs operations

Integrating all data sources into a single environment is a fundamental step in the digital transformation of wastewater treatment plants to provide them with comprehensive control of all their processes, according to Idrica’s report...

Pivot to a product mindset to accelerate your digital transformation

No longer is the old adage that “water and electronics don’t mix” entirely true. Ever since the need for digital technologies dramatically accelerated in early 2020, businesses worldwide have invested heavily in digital transformations...

A complete ecosystem: Why essential water transformation is a multi-player project

Water represents one of the world’s most significant and complex industrial challenges. Both water utilities and industrial players face multiple, multifaceted challenges in overcoming water scarcity, energy efficiency and carbon neutrality. The industry knows...

Effective asset management: Using data for greater understanding of the water network

The UK’s water system is riddled with contradictions: Victorian infrastructure is mapped and monitored using machine learning. Government predicts updating Britain’s combined sewer system would cost between £150bn and £650bn. Water companies are looking instead...

People are key to digital transformation

With ageing assets, a climate emergency and increasing water scarcity, digital solutions will play a key role in the water sector’s response – but the human touch could be the final piece of the...

Six technology trends for 2023

Pre-emption and prevention, security, reuse, process automation, optimisation and planning are the main challenges for water management this year, say utility tech specialists Idrica. By 2025, around 3.5 billion people will be living in water-scarce...