Large diameter distribution input, trunk main & reservoir metering

England and Wales water companies wishing to meet their PR19 Outcome Delivery Incentives during AMP7, need on average to reduce Leakage by 16% and Supply Interruptions by 41% no later than 2025. In previous AMP...

Flint crisis prompts lead pipe report revisit

Manchester, UK: A landmark paper on lead pipe rehabilitation and replacement techniques, based on a project sponsored by the Water Research Foundation (WRF) 15 years ago, has been revisited by a member of the...

Collaborative summit to explore future of FOG

A collaborative event will bring together water, wastewater and sustainability experts to explore new ways of tackling fat, oil and grease (FOG) in sewers and pave the way for a blockage-free future. Now in its...

Wessex commended for customer service excellence

Wessex Water has once again retained its Customer Service Excellence (CSE) quality mark from the world-leading independent inspectorate SGS. The water company became the first of its kind to achieve this coveted award back in...

Kent Joins Together to use Water Wisely

A seminar to debate water efficiency in Kent attracted 140 delegates from across the county, including representatives from councils, water companies, housing developers and environmental groups. The average person in the South East uses about...

Trust the tap: building confidence in water quality

Water is essential for health and wellbeing, therefore public confidence in drinking water quality is vital. The western world is subject to stringent and robust standards, regulated by independent inspectors, so why is there...

The rising tide of sludge blanket detection – control, compliance and cost savings

Sludge Blanket detection is critical to the effective management of fundamental sludge processes and to achieving the significant downstream benefits that derive from proper sludge resource management. Automatic process balancing, control of penstock and...

Beyond phosphorus removal

Meeting new phosphorus consent levels is a priority for the water industry – but what method works best for the many wastewater sites that are inaccessible, where space is limited and where environmental concern...

Anglian Water’s commitment to employee LIFE

“As a utility company with a wealth of moving parts, people and processes, we take our employees health, safety and wellbeing very seriously. With over 5,000 direct employees and over 10,000 alliance partner employees...

Effective asset management: Using data for greater understanding of the water network

The UK’s water system is riddled with contradictions: Victorian infrastructure is mapped and monitored using machine learning. Government predicts updating Britain’s combined sewer system would cost between £150bn and £650bn. Water companies are looking instead...