Anglian Water submits plans for 57km pipeline to keep taps running

Work is expected to start later this year on the new water mains. Anglian Water has submitted plans for the most northernly section of its new multi-million-pound strategic water mains network. The £400 million scheme, which...

FREE WEBINAR: IC-ICP/MS Analysis of Trace Chromate

Wednesday 27th July  1pm Metrohm USA will host a webinar titled IC-ICP/MS Analysis of Trace Chromate. This webinar will contribute to addressing the public health issue by presenting a robust and sensitive method for the...

Monitoring fluoride in drinking water

Fluoride is a natural mineral found in rocks, soil, water and air. Although it is an organic mineral, it is also added to everyday items like toothpaste, mouthwash and water supply. Fluoride helps prevent tooth...

Making raw surface water drinkable: innovation for Scotland’s peaty water

AQR has succeeded where others have failed by treating peaty Highland water to a standard suitable to drink. The low carbon, sustainable technology company has proven their AQR Safe Water® system in a three-year...

Watershed celebration for Irish project

Drinking water protection across Ireland has reached a ‘watershed’ moment with the culmination of five years’ work to improve river water quality. The €4.9m Source to Tap project explored sustainable, cost-effective catchment management measures designed...

Building resilience with sustainable SMART solutions

Pioneering technological innovations, along with collaborative partnerships, are leading the way in the future of water treatment. ATi discusses the most creative approaches that are delivering resilience and sustainability within the water industry to...

Tackling the scourge of ‘forever chemicals’: changing PFAS guidelines in the UK

Water Industry Journal talks to PFAS scientific expert Marcus Chadha about the tough challenges that lie ahead for UK water measurement companies. How many PFAS have been identified globally? Which ones present the most serious...

Ice pigging significantly increases flow rates in rising sewers

A case study with SUEZ and Wessex Water Ice Pigging is well established as an effective and low risk method of cleaning drinking water pipes. Not so well-recognised, is the significant benefits it can bring...

Online drinking water analysis

In drinking water plants and beverage bottling companies, determination of disinfection by-products (DBPs) like bromate is crucial due to their carcinogenic properties. The carcinogen bromate (BrO3–) has a recommended concentration limit of 10 μg/L of...

Smart Metering across urban, suburban and rural areas

A case study with SUEZ and Severn Trent. The issue Severn Trent’s strategic drinking water plan is to balance supply and demand, investing wisely to safeguard the water supply for future generations. One of the first...